Friday, April 24, 2009

"You don't have a soul, you are a soul. You have a body" - CS Lewis

I found this on my friend Jaci's facebook, and it really struck me. I've been thinking a lot lately about identification and how I see myself and others. I ALWAYS associate a person with their body, and I think that their appearance effects their personality. It's difficult to separate soul/mind from body. Like, what would my personality look like if I didn't look like me? I think it seems really unnecessary, but it's not. Personally, I'm finding it to be a really effective part of self identification/ definition. 

um that's all for now, because my stomach is really upset with me. 

Sunday, April 19, 2009

I still wonder

When is it a better idea to just give in and do what you want to instead of what you "should" do. 

I would love to function at a level that certain things wouldn't bother me. But I'm not there yet. 

So my less cryptic question is, When do you just let yourself be whatever you are, even though it's a better idea (in many senses) to just get over it and move on? 

It seems to make sense that the answer would be "instantly!". 

When someone else does something that bothers me, it seems that it's my job to fix it or get over it. And then when I upset someone else, it's my job to redeem myself and fix it. Maybe I'm just being the whiny baby (the typical youngest child). So be it. 

this is such a whiny, crabby post. I'm actually doing really great. I'm keeping busy, not drowning (like before easter!) and spending some time with lovely people. I'm kind of excited to go home this summer. I think it'll be a little weird to leave Luther..... (which is a weird thought!)