Friday, September 14, 2012


I am officially temporarily relatively homeless.

Let's break that down:
officially - my parents are closing on the sale of our house as I type this.
temporarily - we will move into our new home in a month
relatively - I'm not staying with my parents; I'm living in Waseca while I student teach in Owatonna.

going home tonight - not to move, be in a wedding, or get a lot of things done.
just to hang out with my family and friends.
to be with the people i love.

where is home? not geographically sure.
but it's where ever i'll be this weekend

P.S. This weekend i'm going to start planning lessons to teach at school. My teacher has been having me do a lot with students, but we've been operating from her (excellently crafted) lesson plans. Can't really tell you how excited I am.

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