Sunday, February 14, 2010


I've been pretty up and down lately - but it's totally alright. If I were always in the same place, I'd get comfortable and bored.

Today I took my own advice and so far I am really feeling good. It took a lot of thinking and pouting and in general just bein a crab - but i got myself out of it.

I'm learning to be more critical - and not in a negative way. To pay attention, to understand what little things can mean in a bigger way.

Some things have really been challenging to me - especially the idea of independence. caring for myself. doing what's best for me - and not worrying about other people thinking i'm self centered. This really is the time in my life to explore and be me - weather it hurts others or helps them. Obviously I prefer it help them, and I'm certainly not going to go out of my way to hurt someone and justify it as, "it was the best for me". Right now, it seems as though life is a constant lesson on letting go. That seems really dark and sad, but it's really not.

anyway, i am trying something new. i'm making a plan each time before I go work out. I no longer get sore or feel challenged - it's routine. so i'm steppin it up.

i hope you're all challenging yourselves!

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