Friday, February 12, 2010

my resolution

my second week of school resolution:

to not complain as much.
i read somewhere that you should write positive rather than negative goals, so i could rephrase that as, "be a more positive person", but that's really not what i'm going for. I think there's an place for positive and negative in each person - but what i'm going for is to NOT put my negative side out there so much.

sure, i can still have negative thoughts, or talk with friends about things that are troubling me. what i'm not going to do is to let everyone i come into contact know what i'm dealing with or what i ate for lunch that didn't taste good. i know i'm not that bad yet, but i'm annoyed with myself.

I was thinking about all of this yesterday - and of course the story of the day email was about complaining

"The problem with knowing everything's going exactly as it needs to is that when you're not having that much fun it doesn't even do any good to complain." - StoryPeople

i was thinking about having a different resolution every week... or possibly eliminating one thing in my life each month. seems like a challenge - something i need right about now. i'm getting comfortable. i'm not asking questions and i'm not exploring.

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