Tuesday, November 24, 2009

two new thoughts

in the last couple days, i've come across two thoughts that are my favorite types of thoughts - the kind that are so small and simple, but shake you.

first, that i can judge people without it affecting our interaction or relationship. naturally, i have opinions of anyone i encounter. From now on, I'm really focusing on common compassion and the idea that each person is their own expression of themselves - not a failed attempt to be me or something or someone i am familiar with. just because the way you act is unappealing or annoying to me doesn't mean i have the right to be rude to you. you're a person and you are how you are. i can do nothing to change that. i can, however, have fewer issues with you if i choose to just see you as a person being themselves, not a person trying to aggravate me.

second, that i can be different from the ones that i love (friends, parents, teachers, etc.). I've kind of figured out that by loving someone, that I subscribe to the idea that they are, in some sense, ideal. by seeing someone as idea, i think that i would, in some way, like to be like them. (this is just what i've figured out for me). I don't have to be similar to the people I love in order to relate to or connect with them. I don't have to be like you in order to love you. It's incredibly frightening to be or become different than those you love. Those who I love are part of my identity, and my shifting idea of self and direction in life are enough changing factors in my life. I so would LOVE for those I love to be a constant, a solid thing I can always identify with, but that is unrealistic. I wondered this summer, "what is a best friend?". I thought to myself, "If a best friend is someone I like all the time, I do not have a best friend. I don't like anyone all the time". and it's true. I don't even always like myself. i think i may have wandered... whatever.

i'm gonna go eat some christmas buttons :)

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